Are there any radical differences between Islam and Christianity, and would you please elaborate on these differences? (5:18)
Dr. Labib: Well, there are a lot of differences between Christianity and Islam.
I will mention them in very clear words.
First, and foremost, the two different books, the Quran and the Bible.
Second, the two different founders, Mohammed and Jesus Christ.
Third, the two different deities, the God of the Bible, and Allah of Islam.
Fourth, the two different ways of salvation. The way of Cain, which is salvation by carnal works, and the way of God, which is salvation by grace alone.
The Fifth difference,the two different standards of life.
The Sixth difference,the two different declarations Islam's war against flesh carnal weapons (i.e guns,bombs and Blades) called Jihads, Christian wars in the Spirit against spiritual wickedness in high places putting on the Armour of righteousness.
Now if you'll go to the Quran, and you'll see a big difference between the standard of life in the Bible and in the Quran,[A] first concerning Jesus Death, Resurrection and his Deity [B]concerning marriage and divorce; [C]concerning dealing with the wife. You go to the Quran and you'll see in reference to the wife, that the Quran permits the Muslim to beat his wife. In the Bible we see "love your wife as Christ loves the church". This is a very big difference.
Then [D]concerning kindness to all mankind, the Quran declares once and again, that the Muslims should go to war against Jews and Christians, and kill them. Then, [E]concerning peace and war. Jesus Christ told Peter, "Put your sword away. Those who will take the sword will die by the sword." Mohammed told his followers, "Go and fight!" Then sixthly, the two different declarations.
In clear words, the Quran denies the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the focal point of the Bible. Take the cross [The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus] from the Bible, and the Bible is a dead book. But the Quran says, "they did not kill Him, nor crucified Him."Lastly, I would say [F]the two different eternal destinies. The Quran is very clear, and let me read from the Quran if you will. Here is the Quran in my hand, and in surat mariam , and surat mariam is surat number19, and in verse 66, "and man says, "When I am dead, shall I then be raised up alive?" And then it ended saying here, "There is not one of you, Muslims. There is not one of you, Muslims, but will pass over hell." I shall repeat, the Quran is telling the Muslims, "There is not one of you, but will pass over hell." This is with your Lord, a decree which must be accomplished. When I read such verses in the Quran, I ask myself this question: why would anyone embrace a religion that will take him to hell? It is very clear, it is a decree that god will accomplish for every Muslim.When you go to the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ said that we have in Him eternal life. "Whoever hears my voice, and believes in me, he has been transformed from this to life." There is eternal life to the Christian. And in the Quran there is a different destination. These are the differences between Christianity and Islam.