DATE (B.C.) Old Testament Event
3969 God creates Adam and Eve. Ussher's chronology places their creation at 4004, while other research suggests a date of 4024.
3969 - 3039 Life of Adam (Genesis 5:3 - 5), who will live 930 years
3839 - 2927 Life of Seth (Genesis 5:6 - 8)
3734 - 2829 Life of Enos (Genesis 5:9 - 11)
3644 - 2734 Life of Cainan (Genesis 5:12 - 14)
3574 - 2679 Life of Mahalaleel (Genesis 5:15 - 17)
3509 - 2547 Life of Jared (Genesis 5:18 - 20)
3347 - 2982 Life of Enoch (Genesis 5:21 - 24)
3282 - 2313 Life of Methuselah (Genesis 5:25 - 27)
3095 - 2318 Life of Lamech (Genesis 5:28 - 31)
2913 - 1963 Life of Noah (Genesis 9:29)
2411 - 1811 Life of Shem (Genesis 11:10 - 11)
2313 God causes the Great Flood (Genesis 6 - 8)
1960 - 1785 Life of Abraham (Genesis 25:7)
1885 God calls Abram (later Abraham) at age 75 while he is living in Haran (Genesis 12)
1875 God promises Abram, at age 85, he will have a son and establishes a covenant with him (Genesis 15). According to the apostle Paul (Galatians 3:17), the time span between this covenant and when the Israelites are freed from Egypt is 430 years.
1860 - 1680 Life of Isaac (Genesis 35:28)
1845 God tests Abraham, at the age of 115, by commanding he sacrifice his only son Isaac (Genesis 22).
1800 - 1653 Life of Jacob (renamed Israel - Genesis 32:24 - 28)
1709 - 1599 Life of Joseph (Genesis 50:22)
1670 Jacob and his family enter the land of Egypt (Genesis 46 - 47:9)
1550 - 1069 Period when the Egyptian Empire, also called the New Kingdom of Egypt, is at the height of its power and prosperity
1550 - 1526 Ahmose I reigns as Egypt's Pharaoh (dates disputed)
1526 - 1506 Amenhotep I reigns as Egypt's Pharaoh (dates disputed)
1525 - 1405 Life of Moses (Deuteronomy 34:7)
1506 - 1493 Thutmose I reigns as Egyptian Pharaoh
1493 - 1479 Thutmose II reigns as Egyptian Pharaoh
1490 - 1380 Life of Joshua (Joshua 24:29)
1479 - 1458 Hatshepsut reigns as Pharaoh of Egypt
1479 - 1425 Thutmose III reigns as Pharaoh of Egypt. From 1479 to 1458, he is co-regent with stepmother Hatshesut
1445 Exodus of the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage
1445 - 1405 Children of Israel wander wilderness 40 years (Deut. 8:2). Moses writes first five books listed in Bible.
1405 Joshua leads the Children of Israel into the Promised Land
1398 The Land of Canaan (Promised Land) is divided by lot among the children of Israel (Joshua 14)
1398 - 1380 Joshua serves as Israel's Judge
1358 - 1350 Children of Israel oppressed by Cushan, King of Mesopotamia (Judges 3:8)
1350 - 1310 Othniel serves as Israel's Judge (Judges 3:9 - 11)
1310 - 1292 Children of Israel oppressed by Eglon, King of Moab (Judges 3:12 - 14)
1292 - 1212 Ehud serves as Israel's Judge (Judges 3:15 - 30)
1212 - 1192 Children of Israel oppressed by Jabin, King of Canaan (Judges 4:1 - 4)
1192 - 1152 Deborah and Barak serve as Israel's Judges (Judges 4 - 5)
1153 - 1113 Eli serves as one of Israel's Judges (1Samuel 4:18)
1152 - 1145 Children of Israel oppressed by Midianites (Judges 6:1)
1145 - 1105 Gideon serves as Israel's Judge (Judges 6:11 - 40; 7; 8)
1105 - 1102 Abimelech serves as Israel's Judge in the North (Judges 9:1 - 54)
1105 - 1065 Children of Israel oppressed by Philistines in the South and West (Judges 13:1, 1Samuel 7:13)
1105 - 1087 Children of Israel oppressed by the Ammonites in the East (Judges 10:7 - 8)
1102 - 1079 Tola serves as Israel's Judge in the North (Judges 10:1 - 2)
1087 - 1081 Jephthah serves as Israel's Judge in the East (Judges 11; 12:1 - 7)
1085 - 1065 Samson serves as Israel's Judge in the South and West (Judges 15:20)
1085 - 1053 Samuel serves as Israel's Judge (1Samuel 7:6, 15 - 17)
1081 - 1074 Ibzan serves as Israel's Judge in the East (Judges 12:8 - 10)
1079 - 1057 Jair serves as Israel's Judge in the North (Judges 10:3 - 5)
1074 - 1064 Elon serves as Israel's Judge in the East (Judges 12:11 - 12)
1067 - 1050 Samuel the prophet writes the books of Judges and Joshua
1064 - 1056 Abdon serves as Israel's Judge in the East (Judges 12:13 - 14)
1060's Book of Ruth written
1053 - 1050 Samuel's sons serve as Israel's Judge (1Samuel 8:1 - 5)
1050 - 1010 King Saul, anointed by Samuel, reigns over a united Israel
1010 - 970 King David reigns over Israel. He writes Psalms 1 - 71, 107 - 119, 135 - 150.
1010 - 970 Davidic priests write Psalms 73 - 88, 90 - 106.
970 - 930 King Solomon reigns over Israel. He writes Psalm 72, Proverbs 1 - 24, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.
966 - 965 Solomon begins building Jerusalem's temple (1Kings 6:1)
959 - 958 Solomon completes building Jerusalem's temple. (1Kings 6:38)
930 Israel splits into two distinct kingdoms. The first is the nation of Israel (composed of ten of Israel's tribes) with its capital in Samaria. The second is the kingdom of Judah (composed of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi) with its capital in Jerusalem.
930 - 723 Period of the nineteen Kings of Israel
930 - 586 Period of the twenty rulers (19 Kings and 1 Queen) over Judah
884 - 612 Period when Assyria is a world empire
809 - 757 Part of the book of 2 Kings written
798 to c. 400 The books of the Prophets Joel, Hosea, Amos,Obadiah, Jonah Micah Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah Malachi are written
757 - 696 Books of Isaiah, 1Kings, 1Samuel and 2Samuel written.
753 City of Rome is founded by Romulus
745 - 727 Tiglath-pileser III ("Pul") is King of Assyria. King Menahem of Israel pays him tribute (2Kings 15:19 - 20).
727 - 722 Shalmaneser V reigns as King of Assyria.
723 Samaria is conquered by Assyrian King Shalmaneser V. Israel is taken captive to Assyria (2Kings 17:1 - 6).
715 - 686 Hezekiah writes Psalms 120 - 134 and has Proverbs 25 - 29 written for him
705 - 681 Sennacherib reigns as King of Assyria
701 God has the Angel of the Lord kill 185,000 of Sennacherib's troops as they prepare to enter Jerusalem (2Kings 18 - 19).
626 - 585 Book of Jeremiah, Psalm 89 and a part of 2Kings written
612 Nineveh, capital of the Assyrian Empire, falls to Babylonian King Nabopolassar
612 - 539 Period when Babylon is a world empire
608 - 586 Book of Lamentations written
605 King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon makes his first attack of Jerusalem. Taken captive are the prophet Daniel and his companions
605 - 530 Book of Daniel written
597 Jerusalem attacked second time by Babylon. Judah's king is taken prisoner, Zedekiah set up as puppet king (2Kings 24 - 25).
597 - 570 Book of Ezekiel written
586 Nebuchadnezzar attacks Jerusalem a third time. He destroys city and burns the temple. Judah goes into captivity (2Kings 24 - 25).
559 - 530 Cyrus the Great reigns as King of Persia
555 - 539 Nabonidus reigns as last Babylonian king
539 King Nabonidus fights, surrenders to King Cyrus of Persia. Cyrus issues decree allowing Jews to go to Jerusalem
539 - 331 Period when Persia is a world empire
521 - 486 Darius I the Great is Persian King
516 The rebuilding of Jerusalem's temple is completed
500s - 400s Ezra and the Great Assembly complete the canonization of the Old Testament
c. 480 Book of Esther written
c. 455 Books of Ezra, 1Chronicles and 2Chronicles are written
c. 430 Book of Nehemiah written
336 - 323 Alexander the Great, King of Macedon, builds and rules his world empire
331 Persian King Darius III is defeated in battle by Alexander the Great. Persia falls.
175 Antiochus IV Epiphanes becomes king of Hellenistic Seleucid Empire. He begins to force Greek culture into Judea.
167 Mattathias, a Jewish priest in Jerusalem, starts a revolt against the Seleucids
164 Judas Maccabeus, son of Mattathias, leads Jewish dissidents to victory over Seleucids.
147 Judea gains independence
63 Roman troops occupy Palestine (Judea). Jerusalem falls.
60 - 54 A coalition between Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus governs the Roman Republic
44 Julius Caesar is assassinated
37 Herod the Great becomes King of Judea through Rome
27 The Roman Republic ends. Augustus Caesar becomes Roman Emperor.
20 Herod the Great begins work to rebuild Jerusalem's temple
5 Jesus is born in Bethlehem